Parent Resources
- CAPS Prezi on Helping Your Freshman Succeed
- Once in the presentation, expand to "full screen." The presentation allows you to go at your own pace: click on the forward button each time you wish to advance.
- CAPS Prezi on Homesickness (if this is an issue for your son/daughter, suggest that they watch this!)
- Websites (how to support your child through the college years)
- General Books
- Substance Use
- Disordered Eating
- Mood Disorders
- Psychosis
- Family-related Issues
- Miscellaneous
- College Parents of America
- College Parents Central: Information for the Parents of College Students
- Your College Kid: articles, practial pointers, forum groups, etc.
- College Tips for Parents: tips and vital news for parents of college kids or high school seniors
- Natonal Resource Center for First-Year Experience and Students in Transition
- Mental Health Advocacy & Promotion Website, Faculty/Staff/Parent Resources Page -- provides handouts and guides, books, websites, videos, tips...
- Mental Illness and the Family: Recognizing Warning Signs and How to Cope, webpage of Mental Health America
Resources for Parents of Individuals with Alcohol or Other Drug Issues
- The US Department of Education's Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention
- Brown, Stephanie, Lewis, Virginia M., Liotta, Andrew. The Family Recovery Guide: A Map for Healthy Growth. New Harbinger Publications; 2000.
- Brown, Stephanie, Lewis, Virginia M. The Alcoholic Family In Recovery: A Developmental Model. Guilford Press; 2012.
- Conyers, Beverly. Addict in the Family. Hazelden Publishing; 2009.
- Herzanek, Joe, et al. Why Don't They Just Quit? Changing Lives Foundation; 2nd edition; 2010. This book overs hope and practical solutions to families to they can help someone struggling with addiction to begin the road to recovery. Highly regarded.
Resources for Parents of Individuals with Disordered Eating
- Costin, Carolyn. Your Dieting Daughter: Antidotes Parents can Provide for Body Dissatisfaction, Excessive Dieting, and Disordered Eating, Routledge, 2013
- Natenshon, Abigail H. When Your Child Has an Eating Disorder: A Step-by-Step Workbook for Parents and Other Caregivers, Jossey-Bass, 1999
- Parent Toolkit from National Eating Disorder Association: understand more about how to support a family member or friend affected by an eating disorder
- offers many useful resources for parents on the topic of Eating Disorders, including a Parent, Family & Friends Network, with free webinars and support programs and a "Making Connections Magazine"
Resources for Parents of Individuals with Mood Disorders
- Mondimore, Francis Mark. Bipolar Disorder: A Guide for Patients and Families (2nd Edition), John Hopkins University Press, 2006
- Sheffield, Anne et al. How You Can Survive When They're Depressed: Living and Coping with Depression Fallout. Harmony; 2009.
- What is Depression? Let This Animation With A Dog Shed Light On It, video by the World Health Organization.
Resources for Parents of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, & Questioning Individuals
- Boenke, Mary. Trans Forming Families: Real Stories About Transgendered Loved Ones. PFLAG Transgender Network; 3rd edition; 2008.
- Brill, Stephanie and Pepper, Rachel. The Transgender Child: A Handbook for Families and Professionals. Cleis Press; 2008.
- Brown, Mildred, and Rounsley, Chloe. True Selves: Understanding Transsexualism for Famiiles, Friends, Coworkers, and Helping Professionals. Jossey-Bass; 1996. This book was updated in 2003-- this edition will be priced a bit higher.
- Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere: COLAGE; organization providing information and advocacy for children of an LGBTQ parent
- Dew, Robb Forman. The Family Heart: A Memoir of When Our Son Came Out. Ballantine Books; 1995.
- Family Equality Council: organization supporting LGBTQ parents and families
- Griffin, C, et al. Beyond Acceptance: Parents of Lesbians and Gays Talk About Their Experiences. St. Martins Press; 1997.
- Herman, Joanne. Transgender Explained For Those Who Are Not. AuthorHouse; 2009.
- Jennings, Kevin & Shapiro, Pat. Always My Child: A Parent's Guide to Understanding Your Gay, Lesbian, Transgendered, or Questioning Son or Daughter. Touchstone; 2003
- Parents, Family, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays: PFLAG-- organization supports LGBTQ individuals and their families
- Parks, Anita. OMG My Son is Gay... Amazon Digital Services; 2012. This is a short read at only 62 pages.
- Proud Parenting: general interest site for LGBTQ parents
- My princess boy: Acceptance of the male image: Cheryl Kilodavis. A mother's story of learning to accept her son's differences (video)
Resources for Parents of Individuals with Psychosis / Schizophrenia
- Kaye, Randye. Ben Behind His Voices: One Family's Journey from the Chaos of Schizophrenia to Hope. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers; 2011
- Muesser, Kim and Gigerich, Susan. The Complete Family Guide to Schizophrenia: Helping Your Loved One Get the Most Out of Life. Guilford Press; 2006.
- Saks, Elyn R. The Center Cannot Hold. Hyperiod, Reprint edition; 2007. This is a fascinating first-hand account of Sak's experience of psychosis. Inspiring, but a heavy read.
- Torrey, E. Fuller. Surviving Schizophrenia: A Manual for Families, Patients, and Providers. HarperCollins; 5th edition; 2006.
- Williams, Paris. Rethinking Madness: Towards a Paradigm Shift in Our Understanding and Treatment of Psychosis. Sky's Edge Publishing; 2012.
Resources to Help with Family-Related Issues
- Children and Divorce: Helping Kids After a Break-Up, Mayo Clinic
- When a Parent has a Mental Illness: Issues and Challenges, article from Mental Health America
Miscellaneous Videos
- Homesickness in College: College Parents Advice: 7 Mistakes with Homesick Freshman
- Faith Jegede: What I've learned from my autistic brothers (a TED talk): The funny and moving story of growing up with two autistic brothers
- My princess boy: Acceptance of the male image: Cheryl Kilodavis. A mother's story of learning to accept her son's differences
- Robert D'Angelo + Francesca Fedeli: In our baby's illness, a life lesson (a TED talk): The couple discovered their 10 day old baby, Maryo, had experienced a perinatal stroke. With Mario unable to control the left side of his body, they grappled with tough questions: Would he be "normal?" and Could he lead a full life? The poignant story of parents facing their fears-- and how they turned them around.