Substance Use

Cal Poly Humboldt recognizes the challenges that may arise from the effects related to alcohol and other drug use. Contained within this page are resources and information that are intended to provide you with a variety of options. Please remember you are not alone, and help is available. 

If you would like to talk with a mental health provider about substance use please contact Counseling and Psychological Services at 707.826.3236 or email at

Signs and Symptoms of Substance Use Disorder

Signs and Symptoms of Substance Use Disorder

  • Recurrent Substance Use Resulting In Failure To Fulfill Role Obligations At Work, School, Or Home (e.g.: repeated absences at school or work, not completing homework or job duties, suspensions, expulsions, neglect of children or household work).

  • Using Substances in Physically Hazardous Situations (e.g.: while operating a machine or driving an automobile or motorcycle).

  • Legal Problems Related To Substance Use (e.g.: DUI/DWI, disorderly conduct).

  • Using Substances despite Having Persistent or Recurrent Social or Interpersonal Problems Caused or Increased By the Effects of Substances (e.g.: arguments with friends/family, physical fights).

  • Needing Increased Amounts Of The Substance To Achieve Intoxication Or A Desired Affect

  • Using More of the Substance than Intended or Using the Substance More Often

  • Unsuccessful Attempts to Cut Down or Control Substance Use

  • Experiencing Withdrawal Affects or Utilizing the Substance to Relieve or Avoid Withdrawal Affects (e.g.: headaches, vomiting, anxiety, depression, sleeping a lot or too little, transient visual, tactile, or auditory hallucinations or illusions, psychomotor agitation, seizures, increased sweating or pulse greater than 100, dry mouth, increased or decreased appetite).

For more detailed information on Substance Use Disorders see; An Overview of Substance Use Disorder

If you are experiencing one or more of these signs and symptoms, please seek help by coming to CAPS 826-3236 (or call 911 if needing immediate medical assistance).

Access to Narcan (Naloxone) and Fentanyl Testing Supplies

Access to Narcan (Naloxone) and Fentanyl Testing Supplies

Where to locate Narcan and testing supplies on campus:
  • Nelson Hall East vending machine (Narcan only)

  • Oh Snap Student Food Programs (RWC 122)

  • Peer Health RWC 127

  • Check It (Forbes 151)

  • Student Health Center Front Desk

  • Health Center 217

  • JGC Building (add locations? Ask Mira)

Related Information:

“The only thing Naloxone enables is breathing”

Good Samaritan Law

AB 472, California’s Good Samaritan Law provides limited protection from arrest, charge, and/or prosecution for people seeking emergency medical assistance at the scene of a suspected drug overdose. This law is designed to encourage people to seek immediate medical care for the overdose victims and stay with them until help arrives by providing limited protections from arrest, charge, and/or prosecution for low-level drug violations, including possession of small amounts of drug and drug paraphernalia. 

 The Good Samaritan Law does not apply if you are on parole/probation (likely still a violation), have more drugs than “possession for personal use” that suggests trafficking/sales, or “obstruct medical or law enforcement personnel.” In addition, you could be charged with any other crimes such as trespassing, drugged driving, etc. Learn more about the law here.

Student Housing Good Samaritan Policy

To ensure that students receive prompt medical attention in situations that may be a threat to their health or safety (alcohol or drug intoxication, physical violence, etc.), students/community members who observe a medical or other emergency are obligated to call for help.

In order to encourage responsible decision-making in reporting incidents of this kind, should the reporting individual be found in violation of a Housing guideline at the time of the incident, their decisive actions will be taken under consideration during the student conduct process.

Failure to seek assistance for a community member who appears to be dangerously intoxicated due to the consumption of alcohol or other drugs will result in disciplinary action. 


A life-saving medication used to reverse an opioid overdose. The most common form of Naloxone is Narcan, a nasal spray that is administered simply by pushing on a plunger which distributes Naloxone into the nasal cavity through the nose. The effects are generally immediate once the medication is administered, although with the potency of fentanyl, multiple doses of Narcan may need to be administered.  

To schedule a Narcan training please contact Peer Health Education Services at 707.826.5234 or email at  

Fentanyl Testing Supplies 

Fentanyl test kits can detect the presence of fentanyl in different kinds of drugs (cocaine, methamphetamine, MDMA, pills, etc.) and in a variety of forms (pills, powder, etc).  

 A negative fentanyl test result does not guarantee safety. Even in the case of a negative test, drugs may still contain fentanyl or other harmful substances. That means test strips should be used as part of a larger safety plan.

For more information on Fentanyl Testing Supplies please contact Student Health & Wellbeing Services at the above phone number and email address. 

Online Resources

Ted Talks

Useful Books

Useful Books

Apps to Help in Addiction Recovery

Apps to Help in Addiction Recovery