CAPS@Humboldt on YouTube

Check back frequently, more content on the way!

Broadening your Skill Set

Videos to enhance your skill set in grounding yourself, communicating well in relationships, etc.

Intro to Non-Violent Communication

An Introduction to Non-Violent Communication

Grounding Techniques during the Coronavirus Pandemic

Grounding Techniques

Working with the Mind

These videos are geared to helping you develop more self-compassion and/or to working with the thoughts that hinder your functioning.

Safe, Calm Place Grounding Technique

Safe, Calm Place Grounding Technique

BOAT Video


Loving Kindness Meditation

Loving - kindness - meditation

Message of Hope and Calm from Paula

Message of Hope & Calm

Messages of Hope

If you are struggling with thoughts of suicide, please listen to some of these messages from current and past CAPS therapists.

Message from Elizabeth

Suicide: Get Help Now

Message from Jen

Suicide: A Message of Hope

Message from Kim

Suicide: A Message of Hope - Volume 2

Message from Krystal

Suicide: A Message of Hope - Volume 3

Message from Magali

A Message of Hope