Domestic Violence: Resources


  • Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Intimate Partner Violence
  • Humboldt Domestic Violence Services: Breaking the cylce of domestic violence through service, education and advocacy. Call for help: 707-443-6042 or 866-668-6543. HDVS offers crisis support and emergency shelter among other things.
  • Stalking Resource Center: provides many resources in relation to stalking behavior (e.g., help in recognizing and responding to stalking, use of technology to stalk, etc). This is a part of the National Center for Victims of Crime, located in DC.
  • Title IX information: Title IX protects all people regardless of their gender or gender identity from sex discrimination, including sexual harassment and violence. This Humboldt webpage provides a great deal of information about rights and options for victims, myths and facts about sexual violence, tips, who to contact, etc.