Jennifer Sanford, PhD (she/her)

Executive Director of Student Health & Wellbeing Services


Hi!  Welcome to Student Health and Wellbeing Services!  I am very happy to be a part of the team here at SHWS (as evidenced by my 24 years of working here!).  I worked at several universities prior (San Diego State, UC San Diego, UC Santa Cruz, and Washington State University) and this is the place that called to me and made me want to stay.  I work with amazing people here and am so impressed and inspired by the students of Cal Poly Humboldt-- such hard working, creative, caring, and innovative individuals.  A psychologist by training, I entered administration several years ago, first as the director of CAPS and now overseeing the broader SHWS unit.  In my spare time, I love being with family including the four-legged variety, spending time in nature, listening to music, reading, and photography.

Areas of Interest: 

Holistic health with a focus on patient-centered practices; equity in access to health care; preventative care, including mental and physical health promotion; innovative health care practices and delivery that is informed by new research and trends but also by data and student feedback.  I believe strongly in trauma-informed care and being intentional in viewing the world through a social justice lens.


Past research was focused in the realm of eating disorders.


In the past, I've taught Introduction to Psychology, Helping Skills, Community Psychology, and Introductory Statistics. 

Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, Washington State University
MA, Preclinical Psychology, San Diego State University
BA, Psychology, UC San Diego
Favorite professional and self-help books: 

Anything by Pema Chodron, particulary "When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times," Gabor Mate's "The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic Culture," Ibram X. Kendi's "How to Be an Antiracist," Joel Fuhrman's "Eat for Life," books by Brene Brown and Dan Siegel.

For fun, I love books with a little magic-- witches, vampires, shifters, oh my!  The "All Souls Trilogy" by Deborah Harkness was a lot of fun.  Outside of this, I love books of all kinds with good character and relationship development.  

Jennifer Sanford, PhD (she/her)
SHC, 2nd Floor